Thursday, September 4, 2014

8/28/2014 Free Fall Lab

This free fall lab purpose is to measure the constant acceleration of gravity and learn how to use Excel with our data. Gravity should be 9.8 m/s^2 yet any physic lab experiment I have done

The gravity measuring apparatus we used has a metal device connected to electricity of 60 hz which when in free fall rubs up against a paper making burn marks every 1/60 of a second. Here is a picture of the apparatus.

After using the apparatus we took the paper which was burned every 1/60th of a second and measure every mark in cm from an the same initial mark. Here is a picture of us measuring the marks on the paper.

Here is the raw data we collected and put into a table of our time and distance of the marks. We took a total of 10 marks.

We entered this data in a table on Excel to get a table with time, distance, and delta distance by taking the distance minus the last distance. We then found the mid interval time and mid interval speed of each row. Then we graphed mid interval time vs mid interval speed. Here is our data and the graphs.

Questions and Analysis:

1.  With constant acceleration the velocity in the middle of time interval is the same as the average velocity for the time interval because the graph of the velocity is linear so the middle time interval velocity is exactly the same as the average because it is the average.

2. You can get the acceleration due to gravity from the velocity vs time graph by finding the slope of the line created with the data points on the computer or if you had the formula of the line you could take the derivative.

3. You can get the acceleration of gravity with the positive time graph by finding the slope of the line.

Although are data seemed correct there is a good amount of error from the apparatus we used from friction of the metal on the wires and from the metal on the paper. To understand this more we next used Excel to calculate the deviation from the average and the deviation squared. With this data we can now see the amount of standard deviation from the mean are data should be. Even with the deviation are data is very low from where is should be.

Here is our Excel data of deviation:

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