Friday, September 26, 2014

9/23/2014 Angular velocity and its relation with angular acceleration

The purpose of this lab was to use an accelerometer on a spinning table to some how show the relation ship between angular acceleration and angular velocity.

We first used the accelerometer to calculate the average acceleration of the sensor as it spun in a circle. As we found the acceleration we also timed the amount it would take for the table to spin two or 4 rotation and calculated the average time it one period or full rotation took. With the angular acceleration we can calculate the time of a rotation manually and with that data we will be able to find it angular velocity.

Here is a picture of the spinning table with the accelerometer:

Here is a picture of the raw data collected for time and angular acceleration:

Now we can use the formula w = 2PI / T to find angular velocity. Then with that data we can plug our data into logger pro and graph angular acceleration vs angular velocity squared to what I assume is radius in the equation a = rw^2 which should produce a linear graph of because the radius of the spinning table is constant which also show the relation between angular acceleration and angular velocity.

Here is the graph of the data:

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